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Your Eagle Project

Planning Your Eagle Project

An Eagle Project is a very important step to show a scout's leadership ability and to service his fellow community

If you are new to scouting (boys or girls) then you should read this BSA announcement around the Temporary Transition Rules as of Feb 1, 2019 for youth that are desiring to make Eagle Scout and over 16 yrs old. Scouts BSA Temporary Tranistion Rules for Boys and Girls between 16-18 and joining aftering Feb 1, 2019.

Your Scoutmaster's General Eagle Process Outline

The official Crossroads of America Council's Life to Eagle outlines the 12 step process. Below I have broken it down with our troop's information to help you.

PHASE 1: Pre-Planning
PHASE 2: Project Proposal
PHASE 3: Project Plan
PHASE 4: Blood, Sweat and Tears
PHASE 5: Project Report - Document the Work
PHASE 6: Board of Review
PHASE 7: Eagle Court of Honor


PHASE 1: Pre-Planning

  1. Review the Official BSA Eagle Scout Requirements
    (this is not turned in, it is only for your record keeping and convenience).
  2. Download a copy of the BSA Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. This can then be worked offline and saved in the PDF file.
    SPECIAL NOTE: you will need to download and use Adobe Acrobat Reader. Most browsers and other PDF viewers do not work well. https://get.adobe.com/reader/
  3. Download a copy of the BSA Eagle Scout Application to be completed at the end
  4. Brainstorm and create a list of three or four projects that seem good, then discuss them with your parents and Scoutmaster. These may also come from the organization that you are planning to help or an organization that you already have a relationship with.
    1. At this time you will also be identifing organization and beneficiary, the person you will being doing this good dead for
    2. It is important to have several ideas of projects because every plan changes and sometime in the early planning phase a project becomes too involved or lacks the crucial elements needed for a BSA Eagle Project.
  5. Talk to the beneficiary to get more details and possibly explain the scope of an Eagle project. Hint: You can user the downloaded BSA Eagle Scout Project from step #2 above to help educate yourself and the beneficiary.

PHASE 2: Project Proposal

  1. Fill out the "Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal" from the BSA Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (p1 & p7-12) and review with Mr. Jackson and Mr. Beck. The following information should be used for the "Contact Information" on page 9.
    1. Council Information
      Council: Crossroads of America
      District: Five Creeks
      Unit: Troop 306

      Unit Leader
      Name: Christopher Jackson
      Preferred Phone: 317-903-3147 (cell)
      Email: chris@troop306avon.com
      Address: 739 Stonehenge Way, Brownsburg, IN 46112

      Unit Committee Chair
      Name: Ed Beck
      Preferred Phone: 317-417-6084 (cell)
      Email: ed@troop306avon.com

      Unit Advancement Coordinator
      Name: Leah Elztroth
      Preferred Phone: 317-697-8517
      Email: leah@troop306avon.com

      Project Beneficiary
      This is the ORGANIZATION you are doing the project for.

      Project Beneficiary Representative
      This is a PERSON that has the athority to approve work and sign for the organzation.
      This is usually someone who works there and who you have probably already been working with.

      Your Council Service Center

      This is the address of the main scout office, and where you will turn in your workbook and Eagle Scout application once the project is done.

      Name: Golden-Burke Scout Center - Crossroads of America Council, BSA
      Preferred Phone: 877-925-1900
      Address: 7125 Fall Creek Rd N, Indianapolis, IN 46256

      Council or District Project Approval Representative
      Name: Five Creeks District Eagle Advancement Chair.  Either person can be listed:
            Natasha Bokish, natasha.bokish@5creeks.org
            Frank LeCronne, frank.lecrone@5creeks.org

      Project Couch
      This is the name of a registered adult scouter helping you. Usually this is Mr. Jackson or Mr. Beck, but could be one of the other adults in our troop.
  2. Get verbal approval from Mr. Jackson and/or Mr. Beck to verify everything is good before you speak with the beneficiary and start on the next steps of getting everyone's formal approval.
  3. Get Signatures in the following Order:
    Don't forget Mr. Jackson and/or Mr. Beck's prior verbal approval
    (see previous step)
    1. The beneficiary -- Coordinate this on your own
    2. Mr. Jackson -- This can usually happen at our Tuesday troop meetings
    3. Mr. Beck -- This can usually happen at our Tuesday troop meetings
    4. Eagle Advancement Board -- Coordinate this on your own with one of the following board members:
      1. Natasha Bokish, natasha.bokish@5creeks.org
      2. Frank LeCronne, frank.lecrone@5creeks.org
  4. Once all signatures are recorded you may Start Working on the your Eagle project.

PHASE 3: Project Plan

  1. Figure out schedule and work days
  2. Email Mr. Jackson the dates you want placed on the troop Events page, and any comments about what is needed
  3. Plan dates and times in picking up supplies and what adults you may need
  4. Call before digging, 811. This will take about a week to get through it all
  5. Be sure to always keep the beneficiary informed
  6. Fill out the "Eagle Scout Service Project Plan" section from the BSA Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (p13-20)
  7. Request Eagle Letters of Recommendation from adults and leaders you know (teachers, scout leaders, bosses, religious leaders)

PHASE 4: Blood, Sweat and Tears

  1. Choose five or more in hopes that at least three turn in the letter
  2. One letter should be from a parent, grandparent, or guardian
  3. People have a few choices. Be sure then know that They are responsible for mailing one of the follow to the Eagle Board address:
  4. All above letters should be mailed to:
        CAC - Eagle Processor
        ATTN: Eagle Board, Five Creeks District

        < your name (the Eagle candidate) here >
        7125 Fall Creek Road North
        Indianapolis, IN 46256

  5. Hint: Give a stamped and pre-addressed envelope to those adults you are requesting a letter of recommendation from. This will make it easier for them.
  6. Work Day when you lead all your volunteers into hard labor.
    1. Have each volunteer (including you and your family) sign in and out. You will use this to show all the hours put into the project. Here is an example of a sheet in Google Sheets.
    2. Take plenty of photos. You'll want to record the work done, have some nice photos to display at your Eagle Ceremony, and have something for your first book titled, "My Scouting Memoirs".
    3. It's important for you to lead, which means you will work as hard or harder, but you must be available to lead other and keep everyone busy.
    4. Don't forget to feed and hydrate your crew on this exciting day.
  7. Wrap up any lose ends and start gathering all your paper work and documentation. Also make sure the beneficiary is pleased!

PHASE 5: Project Report - Document the Work

  1. Fill out the "Eagle Scout Service Project Report" from the BSA Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (p21-24). This includes a final signature from the beneficiary and Mr. Jackson.
  2. Verify that the adults you requested an Eagle Letters of Recommendation from are writing them and will send them in. Obviously, if you have not asked any adults yet, start asking now.
  3. Turn in Paperwork in a three ring binder at:
              Golden-Burke Scout Center
              7125 Fall Creek Road North
              Indianapolis, IN 46256

    Complete list of what needs to be included in your binder:
    1. Eagle Scout Application (download here)
    2. Eagle Scout Project Workbook (all the work you've done so far)
    3. The Project Workbook Contact Sheet (this should be in the workbook, just make sure it's there and filled out)
    4. A copy of all the Merit Badge cards (Mr. Jackson can reprint missing cards, give him a list of what is needed)
    5. Photos of the project
    6. Scouts Life Ambition Letter - This is a half to full page of your ambitions after Eagle.  Might include vocation, college, or future adventures that you want to accomplish.
    7. Sign in sheets showing all volunteer names and times
    8. Any special awards (both scouting and non-scouting, optional)
    9. Any special letters or items that help showcase your great award winning life (optional)
    10. Copies of receipts and any documents showing work done (if there are any)
  4. You will reveive a receipt when turning in your binder.  Now wait until you hear back from council.

PHASE 6: Board of Review

  1. Eagle Board of Review:
    1. Takes place on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM
    2. You will receive a call or email the weekend before the 3rd Wed. letting you know the details
    3. Be sure once you receive the call let Mr. Jackson know so he can be ready to also be there and help recruit a few adults to help.
    4. Wear full Class A with merit badge sash and all honor badges (as appropriate).
    5. Do not wear your OA sash, as this is not an OA event
    6. Arrive early to sign in sooner, apprix 20 min early is good.
                St Augustine Episcopal Church
                600 N Washington St
                Danville, IN 46122
                Google Map
  2. Prepare for you Board by reviewing your scout knowledge. See the Eagle Board of Review page for detailed instructions.
  3. Pass your Board and become an Eagle Scout to be added to the Troop 306 Eagle Honor Roll.

PHASE 7: Eagle Court of Honor

  1. Using the offical Scout BSA logo on your cake requires approval. It's easy to get, but takes a few days so plan ahead. See the Bryan on Scouting article.
  2. Plan your Eagle Court of Honor. Pick a date, time, and location.
    1. Let Mr. Jackson and Mr. Beck know the date, time, and location. Mr. Jackson will add it to the Events web page.
    2. It is the responsibility of the scout to plan and contact all those needed for the Eagle Court of Honor
    3. Here are downloadable examples of past Eagle CoH ceremonies for you to use and change as you desire.
  3. Celebrate at your Eagle CoH.
  4. Give back to Scouting and invest in younger scouts for the rest of your life.





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