Every scout is in control of their advancement and leadership as they progress in our troop, not on a set schedule like in Cub Scouts. Some scouts rank up quickly, others just want to camp and do not worry about rank advancement until they are older. The scouts in both categories are still accomplishing the goal of teaching and growing into young leaders.
In our troop you will have new opportunities that most other organization cannot offer, such as high adventures in backpacking, canoeing, climbing, and spelunking. We offer new experiences such as going to the National Jamboree, survival campouts, and service opportunities all around Hendricks Country, our state, and even worldwide.
I encourage parents, grandparents, and guardians to be involved in all our adventures as well as leadership roles within the troop. We are very fortunate to continue to have such a great support system in Troop 306.
Troop 306 Basics
Over 65 Years of Adventure
Troop 306 was formed in 1960 and is charted by Parents for Scouting, Inc. We are dedicated to helping boys become leaders through guided leadership experiences in scouting skills, advancement, and recreational activities.
We meet most every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 at the Avon Youth Foundation building (affectionately called "The Scout Hut") located west of the AJAA baseball diamonds off 100 South. Scouts are expected to wear a Class A uniform (official Boy Scout shirt) to all meetings and most outings.
Weekly Meetings
- Scout Hut Location and Map - 6096 East County Road 100 South, Avon, IN 46123
- Troop meets every Tuesday 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
- Class A shirts required at meetings and most functions
SCOUTMASTER NOTE: We all know every scout will loss their shirt at least once during their time in the troop, so don't let that keep you home
We Are a Low Cost Troop
Our annual dues are only $165, which includes:
- Free camping ALL YEAR (guests are typically $5 - $10 per event)
- BSA Boy Scout handbook for new scouts
- All patches and awards
- All Council Fees
* Special events, such as skiing, theme parks, and Summer Camp are additional costs per scout and guest.
Adult recharter is $65
Camping and Adventures
We camp once a month (in hot or cold weather) and attend Scout Camporees throughout the year. We also spend one week during the summer at a scout summer camp. Every two to three years our troop hosts our own summer camp. Every two to three years we also journey out to a high adventure trip to Philmont, Boundary Waters, or to a National Jamboree.
New scouts should always have their 10 Essentials on every trip. A full list available in the BSA Scout handbook and at troop306avon.com/10. Additionally each scout should have:
Personal Equipment
Troop Equipment
Schedule of Troop Events
All our troop's events are listed with detailed information online at troop306avon.com/events.
- The Troop travels in BSA Class A shirts
- A trip form is provided for each trip detailing departure time, return time, items needed for trip, and parent permission slip. These are online and the permission form should be printed out and signed by the parent and scout.
Troop Leadership
The Scoutmaster relates closely to each of the links in the chain of troop operations: the Scouts, the Junior Leaders, the Patrol Leaders Council, the Assistant Scoutmasters, and the Troop Committee.
For a complete contact list and list of trained leaders, both youth and adults, please visit troop306avon.com/contactus
Youth Leadership Roles
For a full list of responsibilities and duties please visit troopleader.scouting.org/troop-positions/
- Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) - The senior leader of the troop (must be Star rank or above).
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) - Assists the SPL (must be Star rank or above).
- Quartermaster (QM) - Responsible for scouting equipment (must be Star rank or above).
- Historian - Responsible for tracking and recording events for future generations to learn from.
- Librarian - Responsible for storing and organizing the unit's library.
- Scribe - Responsible for keeping written records and attendance.
- Chaplain's Aid - Responsible for observing religious events, prayers in the troop, and camping chapel.
- Bugler - Responsible for sounding bugle calls when needed in the troop.
- Webmaster - Responsible for minor maintenance and upkeep of the troop's web site and social pages.
- Patrol Leaders - Responsible for organizing and leading a patrol.
Junior Leader Council
It's been said that the Patrol Leaders' Council is probably Boy Scout's finest example of junior leaders in action. Each patrol elects its own leader as their head to form the patrol leaders' council. It is the council's job to plan and run the troop program.
Patrol Leaders are to represent his patrol on the council and interpret to his patrol the plans and decisions the council makes. Every scout in the troop, from the Senior Patrol Leader to the newest Scout, has a voice in the Troop's operation.
The Junior Leader Council (JLC) is an elected position, which is help for six months at a time. The Council charge is to develop camping schedules throughout the year. They assist in the Court of Honor, Troop meetings and camp-outs. The JLC meets once a month on Tuesday evenings at 6:30, one half hour before the regular weekly Scout meeting.
Boy Led Troop
We are a boy led Troop with a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) who run the meetings.
The Troop is divided by Patrols, each having a scout patrol leader and assistant. Each patrol has a parent patrol advisor to assist them during the meetings and activities.
Court of Honor Celebrations
Each quarter we hold a court of honor to recognize the scouts for their individual advancements and accomplishments. Our goal is to ensure that a Scout is recognized immediately for achievements. All parents are encouraged to attend the Court of Honor whether or not their own son is receiving an award. This is an important part of the Scouting program and all Scouts look forward to this event. Our main Court of Honor dinners are held after summer camp and again around the beginning of each year.
Troop Committee
Parents are encouraged to join or help the troop committee and attend scout outings.
- The Troop Committee meets the third Thursday of each month
- All parents are encouraged to attend even if they do not hold a leadership position